October 31, 2021
How often do we dig ourselves a hole, deeper and deeper, thinking and hoping to lift ourselves out of our troubles? Vivat Jesus
How often do we dig ourselves a hole, deeper and deeper, thinking and hoping to lift ourselves out of our troubles? Vivat Jesus
How many of today’s troubles are really opportunities awaiting our call to God for wisdom and forbearance? Vivat Jesus
As the Light died on Good Friday, the darkness covered the earth. With the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter, the Light bathed humanity anew and opened the Gates of Heaven. Vivat Jesus
It is never too late to repent and find faith in God. Ask the ‘good thief’. Vivat Jesus
Who stood at the foot of the cross? The evil, the indifferent, and the believers. The believers were just a few and with the exception of one, all women. Vivat Jesus
Though blind to my own faults, I am never so blind that I can’t see the faults of others. Vivat Jesus
How often do we see our faults in someone else and quickly determine their penance but are blind to our faults and if recognized how quickly we excuse ourselves of guilt and consequence. Vivat Jesus
We often deny our failings and sins. Imagine the weight of everyone’s sins from the beginning of time until the last day. Now ponder the innocence of Jesus and His carrying all our sins to the cross. Vivat Jesus
You can run from the truth, even turn your back on the truth, but you can never escape the truth. Vivat Jesus
Blame others. B – Lame. Vivat Jesus