Your Daily Simple Truth!

Our sufferings are but a door to God’s Grace. Vivat Jesus

We are lost without the Grace of God. Vivat Jesus

When you just can’t believe it, you probably shouldn’t. Vivat Jesus

Be slow to share your miseries with the world. It won’t help you nor anyone else. Vivat Jesus

Good experiences are overrated as much as bad experiences are under appreciated. Vivat Jesus

Experience, if you are paying attention, is an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and failures. Vivat Jesus

Knowing and doing are two very different things. Vivat Jesus

The Good Lord gives you everything you are and have, and only asks for your love in return. Vivat Jesus

Those remembering you will dwindle over your lifetime. Vivat Jesus

“Leaders” often excel at moving the goal post on those they “serve” as they near their target. Vivat Jesus