Your Daily Simple Truth!

Losing everything in this world will pale in comparison to losing Life Eternal. Vivat Jesus

To be self-absorbed is to wallow in your own arrogance. Vivat Jesus

Some people are just too ‘special’ to use their car blinkers or stop for a yellow/red light. Vivat Jesus

It is possible that a weakness can drag you down more than all your strengths can lift you up. Vivat Jesus

All input is a gift. Some ‘gifts’ are best left unopened. Vivat Jesus

Taking what is not yours does not make it yours. Vivat Jesus

A proper order to your life respects God, Spouse, Family, and country, in that order. Vivat Jesus

Approach life as if you have not yet met your best friend. Vivat Jesus

Excellence is a light unto itself. Vivat Jesus

Faith has no language barrier. Vivat Jesus