February 14, 2022
Believing you know another’s motives is fraught with the peril of being mixed up with your own motives. Vivat Jesus
Believing you know another’s motives is fraught with the peril of being mixed up with your own motives. Vivat Jesus
Perseverance requires the Gifts of Faith and Time. Vivat Jesus
To follow the Way of Jesus we must follow Holy Scripture, the Apostles, and their successors. Vivat Jesus
It is said that the good die young because we so sorely miss their goodness. Vivat Jesus
The need for sleep is a daily reminder of our mortality. Vivat Jesus
When you are young, time moves like a snail. When you are old, time moves like a rabbit. In between, time is largely ignored. Vivat Jesus
As you get older and older, you get the sense that is should have taken a lot longer to get there. Vivat Jesus
Handle the rough patches in this life well if you wish for a smooth road to eternity. Vivat Jesus
Breaking a trust can rupture a relationship, but it will take a relationship to repair and renew a trust. Vivat Jesus
In the near term, doing the right thing is often accompanied by unpleasant tasks and consequences. Vivat Jesus