September 26, 2021
When the ends justify the means, all you have left is the means. Vivat Jesus
When the ends justify the means, all you have left is the means. Vivat Jesus
Love is the best of healers. God is Love. Vivat Jesus
The Truth has the selfish for enemies. Vivat Jesus
We begin our downfall when the guardians of our laws and constitution become committed shams. Vivat Jesus
The wicked demand things of others they are unwilling to require of themselves. Vivat Jesus
Worldly wisdom is hollow and fleeting. Vivat Jesus
Can your body work as designed by God without the soul? I think not. Vivat Jesus
Slavery to anything but God should be feared more than death because it is death. Vivat Jesus
Knowing one’s ignorance is the start of being wise. Vivat Jesus
Hearing God’s whisper induces us to do good. Vivat Jesus