January 25, 2022
Think twice before rejecting help from your friends. Always accept the help offered from those with authority over you. Vivat Jesus
Think twice before rejecting help from your friends. Always accept the help offered from those with authority over you. Vivat Jesus
It is said that there are two sides to every argument. It is, however, possible that the truth sits firmly on only one side. Vivat Jesus
It has been said that politics is the art of compromise. More often than not, politics is the art of forceful persuasion. Vivat Jesus
Today’s hardships are best handled by focusing on God’s Heavenly reward. Vivat Jesus
God’s handiwork is self-evident in the face of a sleeping infant. Vivat Jesus
Some claim a ‘personality conflict’ when it is only their inability to accept a legitimate challenge or have tolerance for another’s personality and needs. Vivat Jesus
Why do so many fail to see God who is everywhere? Vivat Jesus
Despite being the only imperfect person in his family, St. Joseph took exceptional and courageous care of the Holy Family. Vivat Jesus
A Saint has proven their ability to follow the Way and Teachings of Jesus. Vivat Jesus
A good life can stand the test and challenges faced if it has a proper foundation of Faith. Vivat Jesus