January 4, 2022
How ironic it is that we often find the Glories of God in the challenges and troubles of this world. Or is it? Vivat Jesus
How ironic it is that we often find the Glories of God in the challenges and troubles of this world. Or is it? Vivat Jesus
Without the Sun we would all perish. Similarly, without God’s Son and His Light we perish eternally. Vivat Jesus
With time we grow in body, mind, and soul. The growth of the body is quite natural. Expanding the mind requires the work of each person. The perfection of the soul and spirit requires God’s Grace. Vivat Jesus
The young believe time moves much too slowly. The old have learned, in truth, that time moves by very quickly. Vivat Jesus
Love is the bridge that closes the enormous gap between Heaven and Earth. Vivat Jesus
We wash our hands frequently to try to keep them clean. How often do we try to clean our hearts and souls? Vivat Jesus
We live in a world where the meaning of words are twisted to suit the purpose of the speaker. The torture of language precedes the torture of people. Vivat Jesus
Despite the truth, arrogance and pride is the certain feeling that you are correct, worthy, or justified in your actions. Vivat Jesus
They say that where there is smoke there is fire. The vast majority of the time, the smoke is just the vapor rising from malicious gossip. Vivat Jesus
The Good Lord gave you a body, mind, soul, and heart. Take good care of all of them. Vivat Jesus