July 6, 2021
God’s Mercy is boundless yet ours is so sparingly offered. Vivat Jesus
God’s Mercy is boundless yet ours is so sparingly offered. Vivat Jesus
Marriage is a sacred trust and like trust must be earned each day. Vivat Jesus
Hold on to the truth or the lies of this world will wash you away. Vivat Jesus
Moses brought us God’s Ten Commandments. Jesus whittled this down to just two. Why is it so hard for us to remember and follow these? Vivat Jesus
The full wonder of God is beyond our grasp, but He often gives each of us a glimpse to make us aware of His presence. Vivat Jesus
While only God can judge you, your actions can be measured against God’s Commandments and thus be judged. Vivat Jesus
Trust takes time and effort, losing it takes only a single instant. Vivat Jesus
Life is the first of many miracles in each person’s life. Without Faith, none of them are recognized for the miracles they are. Vivat Jesus
It is easier to stumble in the dark than in the light. Vivat Jesus
Bear life’s crosses well, they just might be your path to Heaven. Vivat Jesus