June 6, 2021
It is always possible to forgive. Vivat Jesus
It is always possible to forgive. Vivat Jesus
The foundation and destination of a lie is evil and failure. The destination of the Truth is greatness, big and small. Vivat Jesus
Respect for authority is required absent a moral or ethical obligation. Vivat Jesus
I am a creature not the creator. I am dependent upon God, our Creator, for everything. Vivat Jesus
For man, death appears to be final. For God, a man’s death is a new beginning. Vivat Jesus
Our free will allows us to choose good or evil. It does not permit us to choose the consequences. Vivat Jesus
The consequences of your choices can often be unpleasant. Vivat Jesus
Traveling at the speed of thought is unnatural, but it would be divinely quick! Vivat Jesus
“My Truth” is nothing more than saying “My Feeling”. The truth belongs to everyone. Vivat Jesus
Weakness is the human condition. Mercy and forgiveness are Divine. Vivat Jesus