February 28, 2024
The most seemingly permanent things in this world are temporary. Vivat Jesus
The most seemingly permanent things in this world are temporary. Vivat Jesus
Meet Our Lord and Saviour you try and meet this world on its terms. Vivat Jesus
Our world is in deep trouble as the Truth becomes a rare commodity. Vivat Jesus
While criticism can be a gift, some gifts are “Trojan Horses”! Vivat Jesus
Energetic people get more from themselves than most other people. Vivat Jesus
Most talk is just moving the air around. Vivat Jesus
When you break a confidence, you may well be thinking more about yourself than your word. Vivat Jesus
The “gossiper” reflects more about themselves than their target. Vivat Jesus
Do it today, don’t put your life on hold. Vivat Jesus
When you get the “shaft”, start looking for the gold. Vivat Jesus