September 29, 2023
While jealousy appears to be focused on others, it is really just an internal reflection of self-pride. Vivat Jesus
While jealousy appears to be focused on others, it is really just an internal reflection of self-pride. Vivat Jesus
Being lazy is not as easy as it looks, it is just a deferred payment plan. Vivat Jesus
Life is a balance between seeing the world as it is and seeing the world as we would like to see it. Vivat Jesus
Faith permits you to know how to invest today for a gain in eternal currency. Vivat Jesus
We can spend a lifetime in search of worldly accomplishments before we come to realize that very little has actually gotten accomplished. Vivat Jesus
Betrayal hurts all the worse because our gift of self has been thrown away as just so much trash. Vivat Jesus
If hatred is a knife in the back, then indifference is a savage twist of that knife. Vivat Jesus
Oh to have the Grace to be patient and tolerant toward those who most severely test our strength. Vivat Jesus
It has been famously said that “the weak shall inherit the earth.” Given the state of the world today, will they want it? Vivat Jesus
Time after time, the human condition is such that a lesson learned is too often a lesson forgotten. Vivat Jesus