April 26, 2023
The present is our best opportunity sandwiched between the regrets of the past and the fears of the future. Vivat Jesus
The present is our best opportunity sandwiched between the regrets of the past and the fears of the future. Vivat Jesus
Good Friday, Life itself treated as though He was not worth living on this earth. Vivat Jesus
Reach for the Lord and draw near to Him as if your life depends on it…because it does! Vivat Jesus
From the cradle to the cross….both are anchored between the earth and Heaven. Vivat Jesus
Evil people can’t stand to see the good and virtuous. Vivat Jesus
Conniving people think they are just being smart and clever. Vivat Jesus
Temptations grow with worldly success and acclaim. Vivat Jesus
Working hard is not always the same as getting something meaningful accomplished. Vivat Jesus
Apart from Jesus and Mary, no one would reach Heaven if we got what we deserved, Only by God’s Grace is Heaven attained. Vivat Jesus
Demanding perfection at the expense of another reflects your imperfections. Vivat Jesus