April 15, 2023
Failure is a jumping off point for hope or despair. Vivat Jesus
Failure is a jumping off point for hope or despair. Vivat Jesus
Success is a relative state of mind. Vivat Jesus
It is ironic that when you “lose your temper’ you are actually holding it more tightly than ever. Vivat Jesus
We are complex creatures who wish for all our efforts to be simple. Vivat Jesus
Surface beauty may not even be that if one looks close enough. Vivat Jesus
Time gives you less and less credit for things that seemed so critically important in the past. Vivat Jesus
Keeping things simple is usually very difficult to do. Vivat Jesus
Revenge is worthless once it is attained. Vivat Jesus
Home remedies most usually don’t’ even work at home. Vivat Jesus
Lowering the “bar” makes life more difficult for everyone in the end. Vivat Jesus