March 15, 2023
Just when you are thinking so well of yourself, remember that any dog can hear and smell better than you. Vivat Jesus
Just when you are thinking so well of yourself, remember that any dog can hear and smell better than you. Vivat Jesus
While we may be like infants in our knowledge of God and the universe He created; like infants we know He and His love surrounds us. Vivat Jesus
Our ability to rationalize sin grows with our ego. Vivat Jesus
This world keeps trying in vain to kill the Truth. Vivat Jesus
Keep nursing a grudge and it will grow up to be a problem child. Vivat Jesus
Seems like there are three options; 1) be like one of the 72 sent to spread the Gospel, 2) be those who listen to the Gospel, or 3) be those who reject the Gospel. Not that complicated. Vivat Jesus
There are times you either correct someone or find yourself enabling their poor behavior and choices. Vivat Jesus
When this world crumbles around you, then you will know who your real friends are. Vivat Jesus
We each have an obligation to continue to learn about God and out Faith. Vivat Jesus
You can’t hide from God and you can’t hide from whom you truly are. Vivat Jesus