December 17, 2022
The false gods of today are still money, pride, and power, they are just hidden behind a virus and a “green” agenda. Vivat Jesus
The false gods of today are still money, pride, and power, they are just hidden behind a virus and a “green” agenda. Vivat Jesus
Repeating a lie over and over again can make more people believe it, but it brings the lie no closer to the Truth. Vivat Jesus
Find the strength to forgive, particularly when it is hardest to do so. Vivat Jesus
We are utterly dependent upon God and, on this side of Heaven, the earthly home he has provided us. Vivat Jesus
The wicked avoid the Truth like the plague. Vivat Jesus
Cruel words speak more about you than the intended target. Vivat Jesus
Rise to the occasion or be crushed by it. Vivat Jesus
Unexpected moments are opportunities for courage or cowardice, strength or weakness, and increased wisdom or persistent stupidity. Vivat Jesus
Tolerance demands right reason in action. Vivat Jesus
Tolerance is not the same as turning a blind eye to sin. Vivat Jesus