October 24, 2022
It is more effective to help someone realize the error of their ways than to point their mistakes out to them. Vivat Jesus
It is more effective to help someone realize the error of their ways than to point their mistakes out to them. Vivat Jesus
Respect of another demands charity and understanding, particularly when they are in error. Vivat Jesus
Saints are born out of the ravages and evil of war. Vivat Jesus
It is a lot easier to say something is too complicated than to think about it and try to understand. Vivat Jesus
Seek the Lord in all your troubles and they cease being a burden. Vivat Jesus
Saying you love someone is meaningless unless you show it. Vivat Jesus
Be awakened to the Truth and its splendor and you will never be the same again. Vivat Jesus
For the sake of your Soul, let go of the anger and malice you hold in your heart. Vivat Jesus
Whether you like it or not, the Lord is calling you and showing you the way to eternal salvation. Vivat Jesus
The openness and efforts to be saved are yours, the Saving is by the Grace of God. Vivat Jesus