August 18, 2022
Self-righteousness is inevitably self-condemnation. Vivat Jesus
Self-righteousness is inevitably self-condemnation. Vivat Jesus
To deny, ignore, or avoid the needs of others is selfish. Vivat Jesus
Holiness is built upon sinners who have repented and amended their lives. Vivat Jesus
Given time, worldly fame fades as if it never was. Vivat Jesus
Worldly aspirations deny the obvious Truth. Vivat Jesus
If guided by the Divine, self-control leads to Life. If guided by self or others, self-control will lead to Death. Vivat Jesus
Trying to be just a little crooked is like trying to be just a little pregnant. Impossible. Vivat Jesus
No one takes you that seriously, so why should you? Vivat Jesus
Come to terms with your past if you hope to have peace today and a better tomorrow. Vivat Jesus
The wicked have no peace of mind. Vivat Jesus