May 2, 2022
One’s wants and needs are not the same but are often confused as being identical. Vivat Jesus
One’s wants and needs are not the same but are often confused as being identical. Vivat Jesus
How pitiful it is to know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Vivat Jesus
You can build, use, or destroy. Vivat Jesus
It is said, I could do that in a heartbeat. In truth, we do nothing without a heartbeat. Vivat Jesus
Truth is, was and always will be. Truth does not evolve. Vivat Jesus
In this world, comfort is always temporary. Vivat Jesus
Lies and deception are less pleasing than someone attempting to play the piano for the first time. Vivat Jesus
Many wish to play a musical instrument but few are willing to apply the study and practice required for that accomplishment. Vivat Jesus
One’s wants and needs are not the same but are often confused as being identical. Vivat Jesus
Because you want it, doesn’t mean you should have it, need it, or should just take it. Vivat Jesus