August 19, 2021
Nurture your family and watch it grow. Vivat Jesus
Nurture your family and watch it grow. Vivat Jesus
You are not likely to find the truth if you are unwilling to look for it. Vivat Jesus
Your choice, seek solutions to problems or find problems with every solution. Vivat Jesus
The Pharisees decided that the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus was “in the common good” of the people. Vivat Jesus
Love seeks the good of others. Vivat Jesus
Darkness vanishes with the Light. Evil flees in the presence of God’s Grace. Vivat Jesus
Bearing up under difficulties and challenges is perseverance, rather than complaining or self-pity. Vivat Jesus
God so loved the world that He sent His only Son and left us the free will to follow or not. Vivat Jesus
Be careful, without knowledge and compassion, the ‘common good’ can be too common and not so good. Vivat Jesus
With God, our problems are really so simple to solve or bear. Vivat Jesus