May 30, 2021
Traveling at the speed of thought is unnatural, but it would be divinely quick! Vivat Jesus
Traveling at the speed of thought is unnatural, but it would be divinely quick! Vivat Jesus
“My Truth” is nothing more than saying “My Feeling”. The truth belongs to everyone. Vivat Jesus
Weakness is the human condition. Mercy and forgiveness are Divine. Vivat Jesus
The foundation and destination of a lie is evil and failure. The destination of the Truth is greatness, big and small. Vivat Jesus
Every soul is a creation of God, treat each soul with the respect due to God. Vivat Jesus
If you can’t master your own passions, how can you expect to understand, let alone control, someone else’s passions? VJ
Creating is bringing something from nothing. Only God creates. VJ
Serving the ‘Common Good’ cannot be built on any individual acts of evil. VJ