March 3, 2024
Every thought and action are a decision to be righteous or sinful. Vivat Jesus
Every thought and action are a decision to be righteous or sinful. Vivat Jesus
Trust in the Lord, does not mean to sit around and just wait for something to happen. Vivat Jesus
God wins, no matter how hard you try to have your way. Vivat Jesus
Our Soul is immortal, and we get to choose its Eternal home by how we live each day. Vivat Jesus
The most seemingly permanent things in this world are temporary. Vivat Jesus
Meet Our Lord and Saviour you try and meet this world on its terms. Vivat Jesus
Our world is in deep trouble as the Truth becomes a rare commodity. Vivat Jesus
While criticism can be a gift, some gifts are “Trojan Horses”! Vivat Jesus
Energetic people get more from themselves than most other people. Vivat Jesus
Most talk is just moving the air around. Vivat Jesus