October 16, 2023
A strong foundation of Faith is necessary to protect yourself against the evils of this world. Vivat Jesus
A strong foundation of Faith is necessary to protect yourself against the evils of this world. Vivat Jesus
Living day to day for yourself leaves no room for others or God. Vivat Jesus
Choosing evil will blind the mind, heart, and, if you are not careful, the soul. Vivat Jesus
How often do we failed to see and appreciate God’s many gifts in our daily living? Vivat Jesus
When you think you are right, pray all the harder for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Vivat Jesus
Life eternal is attained by God’s Mercy awakened by our Faith in Action. Vivat Jesus
Pray often for those who stubbornly cling to this world without Faith. Vivat Jesus
One walks closer to God if you pray throughout the day. Vivat Jesus
Your heart softened when you take the time to think and care about others. Vivat Jesus
Nourish your Faith each day and you will find the strength to be strong in the face of adversity. Vivat Jesus