Your Daily Simple Truth!

Like a virus or bacteria, evil will seek and hide in the healthy or attached to a perceived good, for its own wicked ends. Vivat Jesus

Being well-intended does not remove our culpability for any evil done in support of the well-intended ends. Vivat Jesus

Many clamor for seeking “the common good”, “being tolerant”, “being inclusive”, showing tolerance”, “opposing the oppressor”, “taking humane actions” and such like, but don’t stop to think about the full and likely adverse consequences of their “well-intentioned” deeds. Vivat Jesus

Being humane in action always sounds appropriate unless of course it is intricately linked with evil actions, intent, or consequences. In such circumstances, it is hardly humane. Vivat Jesus

Like any virtue, tolerance untested is just a word or claim. Tested it quickly moves to an opportunity for growth and charity. Vivat Jesus

In today’s world it seems like the more some people shout for tolerance the less they have of it. Vivat Jesus

Love of others is certainly a gift you receive, but one you should give freely as well. Vivat Jesus

Health is always underappreciated until you suffer a sudden lack of it. Vivat Jesus

Success in your plan can only happen if you can adapt to the realities of this world while staying focused on Life Eternal. Vivat Jesus

It would appear that weather forecasters do need trade in reality 100% of the time! Vivat Jesus