Your Daily Simple Truth!

Sit quietly with your thoughts and worries and the Good Lord will hear you. Vivat Jesus

Challenges are meant to be overcome, not avoided. Vivat Jesus

A worthy goal is well worth fighting for. Vivat Jesus

If you are a leader, lead well. If you are a follower, follow well. Vivat Jesus

The Lord’s Plan is way better than yours! Vivat Jesus

Jesus came and told us about the Kingdom of God and that He would come again. Do you believe? Vivat Jesus

Mother nature has a way of making us realize that we really can’t control our world as much as we would like to believe that we can. Vivat Jesus

God may ask more of you than you think you are capable of doing. Vivat Jesus

Are you prepared for your last breath? Vivat Jesus

Disaster breeds heros. Vivat Jesus