Your Daily Simple Truth!

Giving someone a second chance might do you more good than the offender. Vivat Jesus

If you never change your mind, you are not using it. Vivat Jesus

“Small temptations” can be very sticky and pernicious. Vivat Jesus

Control yourself and what you can control before trying to control someone else. Vivat Jesus

There is nothing like being backed into a corner to get you thinking and thinking quickly. Vivat Jesus

Whiners don’t win. Winners don’t whine. Vivat Jesus

Slander is very often irreparable damage to another. Vivat Jesus

Thinking and rational thought separates us from the animals; well unfortunately only some of us…. Vivat Jesus

Practicing the art of thinking will yield better results. Vivat Jesus

It can be hard to think; many just react hoping for the best while insisting they can claim victim status when it all goes bad. Vivat Jesus