Your Daily Simple Truth!

Worldly “personalities” work hard to show us only the “shiny side of the apple.” We can mistake that for their whole character even though their inside might well be rotten to the core. Even at that, Grace can save…Vivat Jesus

It is a very human feeling that everything seems to be great until it isn’t. Vivat Jesus

The very best medicine is spending time in prayer with our Lord. Vivat Jesus

Courage arises in spite of fear and uncertainty. Vivat Jesus

True bravery and valor are rare commodities. Vivat Jesus

Repent of your past sins and pray for the Grace to avoid repeating them. Vivat Jesus

How amazing would it be to travel at the speed of thought, good thoughts that is!! Vivat Jesus

The world will bring you enough troubles. Don’t add to that by your own ignorance and sin. Vivat Jesus

You can’t appreciate your own worth if you fail to see the immense value of others. Vivat Jesus

Our God is “not a God of confusion”, while the wicked are masters of uncertainty and of being ambiguous. Vivat Jesus