Your Daily Simple Truth!

While the rain falls on the just and unjust, it does seem the just get wetter most of the time. Vivat Jesus

The ultimate impact of moving forward in life depends wholly on where you are going and where you end up. Vivat Jesus

You can watch, hamper, hinder, or help others. Choose…. Vivat Jesus

We magnify the sins of others while obscuring our own guilt. Vivat Jesus

It is so easy to convince yourself of your goodness while minimizing your guilt. Vivat Jesus

Christ Himself and the Holy Family had their challenges, so why should you be surprised that you have yours? Vivat Jesus

You choose, you can nurse a wound back to full health or nurse it into despair or revenge. Vivat Jesus

A closed or narrow mind will not get you through the “narrow gate”. Vivat Jesus

Why are so many “big” and worldly important people so small minded? Vivat Jesus

Demeaning someone is just plain “mean”. Vivat Jesus