Your Daily Simple Truth!

Do good if you wish for more good in this world. Vivat Jesus

Give everyone else a break, you are neither as good nor as bad as you may think. Vivat Jesus

Let go of your sins if you want to be able to hold on to the Lord. Vivat Jesus

Remember how you felt when you hear from a long-lost friend? Pray, the Good Lords does want to hear from you! Vivat Jesus

With age, you gain an appreciation for what you used to be able to do and for what you should have done. Vivat Jesus

Don’t keep beating your head against the wall, find the door! Vivat Jesus

Before you can prove it, many already know the Truth. Vivat Jesus

Mistakes happen, so why deny it when they are yours? Step beyond your pride… Vivat Jesus

Will you be listening when the Lord gives you a call? Vivat Jesus

Getting “ahead” is most often not going to happen in a straight line. Be awake for the unexpected… Vivat Jesus