Your Daily Simple Truth!

Though not always obvious at the start, the lack of candor will eventually become evident. Vivat Jesus

You know you are getting old when your mind and body can’t agree on how to proceed. Vivat Jesus

In general, demand more of yourself and less of others. Vivat Jesus

“Right reasoning” requires much more than your first thought and your feelings. Vivat Jesus

Life is too short to squander it on anything other than Eternal Life. Vivat Jesus

Memories tend to fade with time, both good and bad memories; The impact of our past actions, good and bad, have an eternal character and impact. Vivat Jesus

While young we seem to have an unbounded ability to grow, gain in wisdom, and add skills, With age, outside of our Faith and Love, it is all we can do to hold on to what we have. Vivat Jesus

Worldly “personalities” work hard to show us only the “shiny side of the apple.” We can mistake that for their whole character even though their inside might well be rotten to the core. Even at that, Grace can save…Vivat Jesus

It is a very human feeling that everything seems to be great until it isn’t. Vivat Jesus

The very best medicine is spending time in prayer with our Lord. Vivat Jesus