Your Daily Simple Truth!

When you feel like you just can’t win, perhaps you are worried about the wrong things. Vivat Jesus

We very often can’t prove what we know in our gut is true. Vivat Jesus

Tolerance and patience count the most when you are having one of those “bad” days when seemly nothing works smoothly. Vivat Jesus

Jesus said, “go and sin no more” not okay, I’ll tolerate your sinful ways. Vivat Jesus

Divine forgiveness requires a sincere intent to repent and change. Vivat Jesus

Great decisions are highly valued compared to the pain visited by poor decisions. Vivat Jesus

If you tolerate evil, you will get lots more of it. Vivat Jesus

The lessons of history are often harsh because of our persistent sinful ways and ignorance of the past. Vivat Jesus

Many a Saint has been falsely maligned and persecuted in this world. Vivat Jesus

While the forces of evil may seem insurmountable, Jesus told us they will not prevail. Vivat Jesus