Your Daily Simple Truth!

You may be unable to accurately define cruel, petty, and meanness, but you sure know it when it comes your way. Vivat Jesus

You can begin to appreciate the gravity of the situation when you realize you can’t even jump up half your height. Vivat Jesus

Too often we only see what we wish to see, lacking any curiosity for another view or perspective. Vivat Jesus

Self-reliance is only of value when underpinned by a complete reliance on God our Creator. Vivat Jesus

Ignoring worldly reality is a natural consequence of ignoring Spiritual reality. Vivat Jesus

We need to climb toward Heaven. There is little chance of “sliding into it.” Vivat Jesus

How sad when hurting others is a skill practiced to near perfection by someone. Vivat Jesus

It should be no surprise when you are tempted. Jesus, was tempted. What you do about it is the key. Vivat Jesus

Some of the best “educated” and “accomplished” people in the world find a way to do the dumbest things and hurt more than their share of others. Vivat Jesus

There is stupid, dangerous, and then lethal. All are found in abundance in the world today. Vivat Jesus