Your Daily Simple Truth!

God’s Grace, like the sun, shines on the rich and poor, old and young, good and bad, etc.  The difference is in how it is received. Vivat Jesus

Regardless of our raw intelligence, we are all amazingly capable of convincing ourselves we are right and/or deserving despite any facts to the contrary. Vivat Jesus

When your authority ‘goes to your head’, you lose sight of the service you promised to deliver. Vivat Jesus

Though we think it is the other way around, we bring the stress to the Holiday Season. Vivat Jesus

It is not easy to ask for forgiveness nor easy to grant forgiveness. Vivat Jesus

Forgiveness changes the future. Vivat Jesus

If you hope for good to triumph over evil, you need to do the right thing every chance you get. Vivat Jesus

Do the right thing and enjoy a spark of life eternal. Vivat Jesus

The ‘just’ are often punished for their virtue because of the pride and envy of others. Vivat Jesus

A fool, by its very definition, can’t see their foolishness and shortcomings. Vivat Jesus