Faith is the bridge between our weakness and God’s infinite strength. Vivat Jesus
Love conquers all because God is Love. Vivat Jesus
Christians strive to care for those who don’t care about them. Vivat Jesus
While we may well often fail to recognize this Truth, we are more dependent on God than an infant is on its parents. Vivat Jesus
When you are thoughtless, it is not that you are absent of thoughts, just absent of good and helpful thoughts for those around you. Vivat Jesus
You can’t be half-Christian any more than one can be half-pregnant. Vivat Jesus
While what the world sees as important varies over time, God’s Truths are unchanging. Vivat Jesus
A small kindness can yield a large impact on another. Vivat Jesus
It would seem that one final moment of Faith saved Life Eternal for the “Good Thief”. Vivat Jesus
Christians should be like children who quite naturally imitate their parents and grandparents, and imitate the Saints. Vivat Jesus