Your Daily Simple Truth!

Conniving people think they are just being smart and clever. Vivat Jesus

Temptations grow with worldly success and acclaim. Vivat Jesus

Working hard is not always the same as getting something meaningful accomplished. Vivat Jesus

Apart from Jesus and Mary, no one would reach Heaven if we got what we deserved, Only by God’s Grace is Heaven attained. Vivat Jesus

Demanding perfection at the expense of another reflects your imperfections. Vivat Jesus

Doing your very best work will leave you with many fewer regrets. Vivat Jesus

Failure is a jumping off point for hope or despair. Vivat Jesus

Success is a relative state of mind. Vivat Jesus

 It is ironic that when you “lose your temper’ you are actually holding it more tightly than ever. Vivat Jesus

We are complex creatures who wish for all our efforts to be simple. Vivat Jesus