Your Daily Simple Truth!

Mercy is not knowing how many times we snatched defeat right out from under a victory. Vivat Jesus

Billions of people, billions of different looks, attitudes, preferences, and needs. All God’s children…. Vivat Jesus

God’s patience with us contrasts with the impatience of most people toward others. Vivat Jesus

Best Christmas Gift ever………Jesus, the Christ Child. Vivat Jesus

Before you drew your first breath, the Lord knew you. Vivat Jesus

The violence of a snub is internal as is that of a physical slap in the face. Vivat Jesus

A true friend understands your shortcomings and helps you to overcome them. Vivat Jesus

The best gifts help another gain eternal life. Vivat Jesus

The very first Christmas Carol was given to the shepherds from heaven itself. Vivat Jesus

Big things can come in small packages, Happy Birthday Jesus! Vivat Jesus