Your Daily Simple Truth!

If hatred is a knife in the back, then indifference is a savage twist of that knife. Vivat Jesus

Oh to have the Grace to be patient and tolerant toward those who most severely test our strength. Vivat Jesus

It has been famously said that “the weak shall inherit the earth.” Given the state of the world today, will they want it? Vivat Jesus

Time after time, the human condition is such that a lesson learned is too often a lesson forgotten. Vivat Jesus

You get a lot more tired overcoming fear than giving in to it. Vivat Jesus

To gain strength you have to work and exercise your muscles. To gain wisdom and knowledge you have to read, study, and think. To have and hold Faith you have to pray, learn and practice the Faith. Vivat Jesus

If you never stop to think if you are living a genuine Christian life, then you probably are making your best efforts to follow Our Lord! Vivat Jesus

Shun the sin, warn the sinner, and forgive if they repent. Lk 17:3 Vivat Jesus

Beware of those who wear their pride like fine clothes bedecked with jewels. Vivat Jesus

It is kind and charitable to speak up when you see evil and wrong doing. 1 Tm 5:20 Vivat Jesus