Your Daily Simple Truth!

Buildings and Businesses have signs and logos. What is your personal sign and logo? Would the Good Lord approve? Vivat Jesus

We are surrounded by water in all its forms, solid, liquid, and gas.  We are surrounded by God in all three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Vivat Jesus

Ignorance of God’s Will is a sin if you failed to take the time to listen and learn about Him. Vivat Jesus

All trees reach for the heavens, we would do well to follow their example. Vivat Jesus

Seek and support those doing good works. Vivat Jesus

 Do not enable the evil doing of others. Vivat Jesus

Talking is a great way to communicate but as often as not, it misses the mark. Vivat Jesus

Because you can doesn’t mean you should. Because you should, doesn’t mean you will. Vivat Jesus

We often seem amazed that the world repeats the same sins and mistakes over and over again while ignoring that same tendency in ourselves. Vivat Jesus

Your weaknesses in this world’s eyes just may permit another’s strength to shine. Vivat Jesus