Your Daily Simple Truth!

Christmas comes but once a year but should be present with us each and every day. Vivat Jesus

Words without action do little more than float through the air for t a short while. Vivat Jesus

The trappings of this world can trap you in this world if you are not careful. Vivat Jesus

More than likely, you are not as right or good as you think you are. Vivat Jesus

Those cloaked in self-holiness are blinded by their pride thus lacking tolerance and charity toward others. Vivat Jesus

To be sure, someone is getting it in the end when the ends justify the means. Vivat Jesus

Defacing someone else’s property is the same as stealing it. Vivat Jesus

Let go of all bitterness from the past, less it becomes today’s poison. Vivat Jesus

Good habits are called virtues. Bad habits are called sins. Vivat Jesus

 Point your mind on the Lord or you will lose your way in this world. Vivat Jesus