Your Daily Simple Truth!

Nincompoopery remains very alive in our world. Vivat Jesus

If you push someone away from you, you cannot claim ‘foul’ when they leave and don’t return. Vivat Jesus

If your burdens are a result of your own poor choices, sloth, and the like, then you are not a “victim”. Vivat Jesus

What would you see in a mirror that showed the truth about yourself? Vivat Jesus

If you chase away the good around you, all you will have left is the bad. Vivat Jesus

It is very simply weak and disrespectful to send someone else to do the hard job you have an obligation to do yourself. Vivat Jesus

Kindness is so inexpensive that too many act as if it were of no value. Vivat Jesus

Too many falsely equate their authority with wisdom. Vivat Jesus

A good many things look good from the distance, but fall short on close inspection. People do too… Vivat Jesus

The human condition is hopelessly imperfect without God’s Grace and Mercy. Vivat Jesus