Your Daily Simple Truth!

Seems like there are three options; 1) be like one of the 72 sent to spread the Gospel, 2) be those who listen to the Gospel, or 3) be those who reject the Gospel. Not that complicated. Vivat Jesus

There are times you either correct someone or find yourself enabling their poor behavior and choices. Vivat Jesus

When this world crumbles around you, then you will know who your real friends are. Vivat Jesus

We each have an obligation to continue to learn about God and out Faith. Vivat Jesus

You can’t hide from God and you can’t hide from whom you truly are. Vivat Jesus

In trying to be deceptive, the first person deceived is yourself. Vivat Jesus

It is illogical to be amazed by the wonders of this world and not be in awe of the creator. Vivat Jesus

Doing your part makes life easier for everyone. Vivat Jesus

A closed mind won’t let the truth in and protects its illusions from being shattered. Vivat Jesus

Listening and thinking is required before a meeting of the minds. Vivat Jesus