Many see themselves as clever and quite independent, yet not a one could create anything. Vivat Jesus
Too many want a level playing field that tilts in their favor. Vivat Jesus
Love is like droplets of rain; it accumulates and nourishes the earth. Vivat Jesus
Resolve to grow closer to Jesus, the rest is just window dressing. Vivat Jesus
Is the Gospel you follow the Good News of Jesus Christ? Or rather the gospel of prosperity? Of Possessions? Of Power? Of Pride? Of Greed? Of Selfishness? Vivat Jesus
Your Faith should be worn like a hat for all the world to see. Vivat Jesus
Mercy is not knowing how many times we snatched defeat right out from under a victory. Vivat Jesus
Billions of people, billions of different looks, attitudes, preferences, and needs. All God’s children…. Vivat Jesus
God’s patience with us contrasts with the impatience of most people toward others. Vivat Jesus
Best Christmas Gift ever………Jesus, the Christ Child. Vivat Jesus