Your Daily Simple Truth!

Shame to those who speak of peace but hold evil in their hearts. Vivat Jesus

Pride is expressed as self-assertion. My words, my ‘truth’, my stuff, and my way. Vivat Jesus

Society crumples when the law gives sanction to the greed of the leaders. VIvat Jesus

You can’t truly know someone with a huge ego. Vivat Jesus

Seek to be humble lest you trip over your own ego. Vivat Jesus

Compromising on morals and ethics is an admission that you don’t really hold them as being moral and ethical. Vivat Jesus

You can’t be a competent musician without practice. Likewise, you can’t be a devout Catholic without practicing the Faith every day. Vivat Jesus

When you hear the phrase “quality of life” it is invariably in human terms rather than as God sees it. Vivat Jesus

Abortion is an ongoing holocaust, the reckless slaughter of human life. Vivat Jesus

There is no expiration date on the sanctity of Life. Vivat Jesus