Those cloaked in self-holiness are blinded by their pride thus lacking tolerance and charity toward others. Vivat Jesus
To be sure, someone is getting it in the end when the ends justify the means. Vivat Jesus
Defacing someone else’s property is the same as stealing it. Vivat Jesus
Let go of all bitterness from the past, less it becomes today’s poison. Vivat Jesus
Good habits are called virtues. Bad habits are called sins. Vivat Jesus
Point your mind on the Lord or you will lose your way in this world. Vivat Jesus
God’s Grace, like the sun, shines on the rich and poor, old and young, good and bad, etc. The difference is in how it is received. Vivat Jesus
Regardless of our raw intelligence, we are all amazingly capable of convincing ourselves we are right and/or deserving despite any facts to the contrary. Vivat Jesus
When your authority ‘goes to your head’, you lose sight of the service you promised to deliver. Vivat Jesus
Though we think it is the other way around, we bring the stress to the Holiday Season. Vivat Jesus