Your Daily Simple Truth!

To be inspired is to be open to the Truth. Vivat Jesus

All life comes from God. Vivat Jesus

Life without God is hell. Vivat Jesus

You can’t build your future on lies. Vivat Jesus

Being “lucky” is most often just seizing an opportunity that you hoped and worked towards for quite some time. Vivat Jesus

Even though we are made in the Image and Likeness of God, we are His creatures and not just like God. Vivat Jesus

Being clever with the Truth is just fooling yourself. Vivat Jesus

Why is it that so much of the world has not changed in 10,000 years? We can’t be nearly as smart as many think they are. Vivat Jesus

To prepare for Life Eternal you must act now. Vivat Jesus

Each Life is singularly unique, irreplaceable, and rare. Thus, each life deserves respect and our very best efforts to care for and sustain the other. Vivat Jesus