Your Daily Simple Truth!

As a politician, if you have to proclaim you are a devout Catholic, you are most likely not. Vivat Jesus

Ironically, constructive criticism is often destructive. Vivat Jesus

When you know what is right, deflect all the excuses and just do the right thing. Vivat Jesus

A small effort can yield a large impact. Vivat Jesus

Words can be kind, encouraging, and unfortunately often worthless. Vivat Jesus

The helpless, hapless, homeless, and selfish all need our care. Vivat Jesus

The world’s definition of greatness differs immensely from that of God’s meaning. Vivat Jesus

Unchecked, authority and force invariably are in conflict with the Truth. Vivat Jesus

Shame is often forced on others by those who don’t have any. Vivat Jesus

When you stand alone in the face of evil, remember that one day you will also be standing alone facing Jesus. Vivat Jesus