Your Daily Simple Truth!

A troubled heart just might be your opportunity to find Faith. Vivat Jesus

Insist on winning at all costs and risk losing everything or surrender everything to God and gain Eternal Life. Vivat Jesus

As the world approaches the abyss and loses any sense of civility and shame, it is a good thing everything is possible with God. Vivat Jesus

Caring starts with being observant of another’s needs. Vivat Jesus

 It is merciful to see evil and act against it. Vivat Jesus

 Have Faith, Pray for Guidance, and Do what must be done. Vivat Jesus

Fame in this world is very brief in comparison to eternity. Vivat Jesus

Many seek to “cut a wide swath” in this world, yet we know the path to Heaven is narrow. Vivat Jesus

You must surround yourself with the truth to be protected from lies. Vivat Jesus

 Make someone else’s life a bit better each day and your’ s will improve too. Vivat Jesus