Why twist in the wind when you can rest in the embrace of our Lord? Vivat Jesus
The Truth pursues the wicked until they collapse under their own evil and lies. Vivat Jesus
Why try to understand when criticism and complaining is just so easy? Vivat Jesus
Too many can’t forgive anything even though with repentance, God forgives everything. Vivat Jesus
If all you see is yourself, you can’t see others, you can’t see the Lord, and you won’t find the humble and merciful path to Life Eternal. Vivat Jesus
Why do we act as if the Good Lord doesn’t know or care what we are doing? Vivat Jesus
When you get in a ditch, step up and resist the temptation to grab a shovel and make the hole bigger than it needs to be. Vivat Jesus
In tough times, you can help someone with encouragement and support of them for finding a better day or be ‘common’ and just help them remain in the past and ‘circle the drain’ of despair. Vivat Jesus
Before you start complaining, ask yourself if today’s troubles are really of your own making. Vivat Jesus
You can’t lift yourself up by dragging others down. Vivat Jesus