Your Daily Simple Truth!

How much better would our world be if we admitted and apologized for just a fraction of our sins that are so obvious to everyone else. Vivat Jesus

It is irrational to harden your heart and mind from the truth. Vivat Jesus

It is not always someone else’s fault. Vivat Jesus

In the face of disappointment, you can wallow in despair or search for the new opportunities that are suddenly available for you. Vivat Jesus

Thou shall not kill includes not unfairly shattering someone’s reputation and good name with others or on “social media”. Vivat Jesus

Your words and deeds can unjustly and irreversibly destroy another’s reputation. Vivat Jesus

Thinking of and serving others will leave a lot less time for you to feel sorry for yourself and nurse your worries. Vivat Jesus

It is bad for you to choose evil and hatred, but much worse to pull others along with you. Vivat Jesus

It is not unusual that your harsh words and foul language toward another is more of a reflection of yourself than you care to admit. Vivat Jesus

You can nurse your hurt feelings and grow hatred or choose to pray for understanding and wisdom. Vivat Jesus