Your Daily Simple Truth!

In many things, music, sports, studies, etc., trying again is called practice. For the Christian, it is called forgiveness. Vivat Jesus

The truth is compulsory.  You ignore or deny it at your peril. Vivat Jesus

If you so choose, God’s Light will lift the moral fog of this world and obliterate the darkness of evil and sin. Vivat Jesus

Indulge yourself, preferably in virtues rather than in vices. Vivat Jesus

You can’t know the truth without thinking and reason. Vivat Jesus

What are your routine habits?  What are your routine habits for your soul? Vivat Jesus

Nature must be controlled to avoid ruin. Vivat Jesus

With our own vices we often can’t or won’t stop, but too often insist that others stop theirs. Vivat Jesus

It is easier to attack the man than to debate his ideas. Vivat Jesus

One’s wants and needs are not the same but are often confused as being identical. Vivat Jesus