Your Daily Simple Truth!

The Truth remains despite any attempt to shade, hide, or deny its existence. Vivat Jesus

Try as you may, you can’t replace God. Vivat Jesus

Try as you might, you can’t control God. Vivat Jesus

This world sees each of us as worthless and expendable.  In Truth, each of us is priceless and irreplaceable. Vivat Jesus

Be careful of clever and fancy speech, it can hide the Truth and may lead you astray. Vivat Jesus

The world has been falling since the original Fall in the garden of Eden. Jesus showed us the way up, take it! Vivat Jesus

Deferred corrective action often does more harm than any initial injury that is being avoided. Vivat Jesus

While it is Our Lord’s wish that every soul gain Heaven, it is our Free Will to choose this path or not. Vivat Jesus

Today, common courtesy has too often unfortunately devolved into triggers and condemnation. Vivat Jesus

Seeing and hearing clearly is work. Otherwise, we see and hear what we wish to see and hear. Vivat Jesus