Your Daily Simple Truth!

It is a lot easier to say something is too complicated than to think about it and try to understand. Vivat Jesus

Seek the Lord in all your troubles and they cease being a burden. Vivat Jesus

Saying you love someone is meaningless unless you show it. Vivat Jesus

Be awakened to the Truth and its splendor and you will never be the same again. Vivat Jesus

For the sake of your Soul, let go of the anger and malice you hold in your heart. Vivat Jesus

Whether you like it or not, the Lord is calling you and showing you the way to eternal salvation. Vivat Jesus

The openness and efforts to be saved are yours, the Saving is by the Grace of God. Vivat Jesus

You can be shaped by circumstances or seize them and conform to God’s Will. Vivat Jesus

Man writes his laws with letters. God’s Law, Truth, is written in our hearts with a Divine language. Vivat Jesus

Attach you self and efforts to God’s Eternal Truth.  You will be detached from this world sooner than you think. Vivat Jesus