Your Daily Simple Truth!

Question your motives when you face a truth and see it as an inconvenience. Vivat Jesus

Is the purpose of a mask to control a disease it can’t stop or to control the people who you can stop by intimidation and force? Vivat Jesus

The glory of each individual is missing being a mask. Vivat Jesus

A liar doesn’t worry about keeping track of their fiction and deception. They are most confident that another lie can mask any previous discrepancies. Vivat Jesus

Lies shift, wiggle, and change to meet the liar’s needs. The truth never changes. Vivat Jesus

No matter how well stated, a lie remains a lie, No matter how poorly expressed, the truth remains the truth. Vivat Jesus

The worldly predominantly see opportunity for themselves and not the needs of others. Vivat Jesus

Any of the seven deadly sins can lead to death of the innocent and worse the loss of one’s soul for eternity. Vivat Jesus

One or more of the seven deadly sins is behind cruelty to others. Vivat Jesus

Even the Vicar of Christ must follow the Way of Jesus. Vivat Jesus