It is not an “accident” if it happens while you are driving recklessly. Vivat Jesus
Unintentional injury may be the result of you not doing the work to prevent it in the first place. In such cases, it is possible that it is then intentional and preventable. Vivat Jesus
At some point during your day, stop and think about someone else for a minute. Vivat Jesus
Love demands that you give of yourself. Vivat Jesus
Saying you are sorry is a good start, but being sorry and making amends is what is required. Vivat Jesus
You are not truly sorry if you sugar coat your apology. Vivat Jesus
It is not a “simple correction” if you knew you lied and misled others in the first place. It is a belated admission of guilt. Vivat Jesus
Try not to complain, the Lord knows your grief and sufferings. Vivat Jesus
So many talents go wasted due to fear or sloth. Vivat Jesus
Judging from the condition of our world, it is fair to ask how many adults have actually reached the “age of reason”. Vivat Jesus