Your Daily Simple Truth!

Your worries may be just the rungs on the ladder to your next success. Vivat Jesus

Carry your burdens with as much Grace as you can muster. Vivat Jesus

Hiding from the Truth is just about as possible as dodging the raindrops in a storm. Vivat Jesus

Surprise someone today and wind up surprising yourself. Vivat Jesus

Pride is just a way of trying to reduce the Lord to our level. Vivat Jesus

Denying the Truth is a fool’s errand. Vivat Jesus

Humor is a great recourse to feeling low. Vivat Jesus

In our pride, we have fallen again to the ancient whisper in the Garden, wishing to be like ‘gods’. Vivat Jesus

‘Whoever make a fortune by a lying tongue is chasing a bubble over deadly snares. Proverbs 21. Vivat Jesus

When face with temptation, pray quickly and pray in earnest that the Lord increase your faith. Vivat Jesus