Your Daily Simple Truth!

With Faith and repentance, God’s mercy is greater than any sin, not matter how grievous or repetitive it may have been. Vivat Jesus

Think about your best accomplishments. Now, consider how your cooperation with God’s Will enabled those very accomplishments. Vivat Jesus

The Good Lord can save us from our sinful selves, but we have to love God and our neighbors in thought, word, and deed. Vivat Jesus

Resist the temptation to sin, avoid the near occasion of sin and thus be drawn closer to God’s Kingdom. Vivat Jesus

In the face of hard times, our hearts can soften and we can find our reliance God’s providence. Vivat Jesus

Handled well, a setback is an opportunity to setup for a better day. Vivat Jesus

As simple an act of seeking and being truthful brings your will into conformity with that of God’s. Vivat Jesus

Better to earn your worth by the sweat of your brow than to take your wants by brow-beating others. Vivat Jesus

With a strong Faith, you submit your intellect and will to the Will of God. Vivat Jesus

The world presented our Savior Jesus and His family with no room at the inn. Do you have room for Jesus? Vivat Jesus