Your Daily Simple Truth!

Many seek to “cut a wide swath” in this world, yet we know the path to Heaven is narrow. Vivat Jesus

You must surround yourself with the truth to be protected from lies. Vivat Jesus

 Make someone else’s life a bit better each day and your’ s will improve too. Vivat Jesus

Cultivate mercy, abandon any hate or hardness in your heart. Vivat Jesus

God’s love is like a blanket over all the earth. Keep covered or kick it off, the choice is yours. Vivat Jesus

There may be two sides to every story, but there is always just one Truth. Vivat Jesus

Freedom exists only in the Truth. Vivat Jesus

Pride blocks your view of others and their needs. Vivat Jesus

No one can escape the eyes of God. Vivat Jesus

One sure way to bring yourself down is to try and lift yourself up on the backs of others. Vivat Jesus